Book Aesthetics | Scandalized

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything like this, and really, following my personal publishing schedule, I should have done this for Waiting in the WingsBut these babies have been sitting in my graphics folder for a while now, and there’s no better time to post them here than now, since I’m releasing a new book (an anthology, to be more precise) in this universe very soon.

If East Genesis Project (Yihwan, Steven, and Minchan), Fi, and Gabriel had Instagram, this is probably what their feed would look like. Let me know if you think they’re #feedgoals, haha! ^_^

Important Note: The personalities included in these photos are image pegs and are not, in any way, connected to me or the aforementioned book.

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Blog Tour / Interview | Keep the Faith by Ana Tejano

Happy Thursday, everyone! ^_^ On the blog today is an interview with author Ana Tejano about her book Keep the Faith, which is on tour (naks!) this week. I asked her about the challenges she face while writing her second book, her favorite character in Keep the Faith, and a fun, Valentine’s Day-related question about the book’s MC and LI.

But first, here’s what Keep the Faith is all about:

cover keep the faith ana tejanoKeep the Faith
Ana Tejano

Release date: July 31, 2016

As a community development worker, Faith was quite familiar with heartbreak and recovery after all the time she spent on disaster relief missions. So when her five-year relationship ends right before she left for a mission trip to a typhoon-stricken town in Iloilo, she tries not to make a big deal out of it. How can she be broken up about a breakup when she’s with people who literally lost everything?

But now that she’s back, all Faith wants is for her life to go back to normal and have people stop looking at her with pity. Never mind that she still has a lot of questions about the breakup, or that she feels a tiny ache every time her ex comes up in conversations. She’s okay now, and happily distracted by Nico Tamayo, the attractive new guy at work.

With new possibilities in the horizon, Faith thinks she is well on her way to moving on. But when her past comes calling back to her, will all the good things in her present be enough to keep her on the path? Or will she finally learn that there was more to heartbreak and recovery than what she knows?

BUY LINKS: Amazon | Smashwords | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks
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Book Aesthetics | Settle the Score / Hustle Play

settle the score hustle play promotional

To say that I’ve been having a lot of fun making book aesthetics for my titles is an understatement. Recently, I’ve stumbled upon an Instagram profile template on Behance and had fun playing with it! <3 Here are the ones I made for my recent release, Settle the Score / Hustle Play.

Important Note: The personalities included in these photos are image pegs and are not, in any way, connected to me or the aforementioned book. (I wish they are, though. I mean… they’re awesome.)

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