Bayan o Sarili: Mamili Ka!

So this was a thing that happened last Sunday. šŸ™‚

I was initially apprehensive about attending the Heneral Luna DVD Launch because 1) it had been raining non-stop the day before (and weĀ know what happens to the already congested roads when it rains) and 2) the venue was in Eastwood City, a place I wouldn’t know how else to get to aside from riding a cab.

So imagine my excitement when the rain let up on Sunday, allowing me to do a bit of shopping early in the afternoon before heading to Libis. I was so scared of being late for the 7:00 PM event that I rode a cab to the venue at around 4:00Ā and arrived 20 minutes later. (LOL, what traffic? Where? It was a miracle!)

Heneral Luna DVDs were being sold at the venue entrance for P699 (roughly $15) and I think I was one of the first ones to buy that day. The staff were still setting up their wares when I approached and told them to


Just kidding. I didn’t say that.

I did let them take my money though.

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