Tara’s Book Giveaway: The #MMFF2016 Edition

book giveaway mmff

Hey, everybody–Merry Christmas! What are your holiday plans? If you’re living in the Philippines, I hope you consider watching this year’s entries to the Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF) because the 2016 line-up is pretty interesting. If you’ve been following the news, you’d have already known that “the usual suspects” are missing from the roster, and the films that made it to the cut offer a different “flavor” from what we’ve been served for years now.

Unfortunately, there are some cinemas who aren’t showing official MMFF entries in favor of those they’re sure will rake in money for them. I personally think this is unfair not only to the people involved in the films that qualified for this year’s festival, but also to the viewing public that’s been continuously shortchanged by being fed haphazardly done movies year after year after year.

If you’re of the same opinion, I encourage you to please please go to the cinemas, watch the films, and spread the word so that others may be interested to do the same. And because it’s Christmas–here’s a giveaway!

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