Mini Blog Project: #RomanceClass ❤ OPM

I love listening to music. It doesn’t even matter which language it comes in. While I grew up listening to OPM classics, much of my teenage years were full of Western music, and I turned to K-Pop in my mid-20s. Still, my love affair with Original Pilipino Music is alive and kickin’, and I would like to believe yours is, too.

Or maybe I can help start it.

From June to August, I’m doing this mini project called #RomanceClass ❤ OPM. With your help, I’m hoping to be able to curate Original Pilipino Music playlists inspired by #romanceclass books you authored or read. Sound interesting? See links below for sign-ups!

For #romanceclass authors

If you wrote a #romanceclass book/s, let me know what OPM song you would relate to your story, your characters, or even a scene in your book.

For #romanceclass readers

If you’re a fan of #romanceclass books, tell me what OPM song you hear in your head when you read your favorite titles. It could be a song suited for a character, a scene, or the overall story.

Some rules:

  1. Strictly OPM songs only. This does not include covers of non-OPM songs by OPM artists. There are plenty of songs out there, I’m sure you’ll be able to find one. Promise.
  2. Filipino and English songs are allowed.
  3. You may submit as many songs as you like, but limit one song per #romanceclass title. As this project also aims to help promote as many #romanceclass books as possible, I’d like to see a nice mix of books and songs. You’d have to agree that would make for an interesting playlist, right?

And that’s it! Hopefully, I’d be able to churn out one playlist a month… I mean, we almost have a hundred titles in the #romanceclass catalogue. That’s a lot of material to work on!

Looking forward to your contributions! <3


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Are you ready to get Scandalized?

In April of last year, I joined my very first (non-academic) writing workshop under Mina V. Esguerra’s guidance, #SparkNA. The goal was to finish a contemporary New Adult manuscript of no less than 20,000 words in a span of 2 months. It was a tall order, but worth a shot.

One year later, here I am, making preparations to release the fruit of that workshop. But while final touches are being done to the manuscript, cover, and everything in between–here’s a little something I made for East Genesis Project, the Korean pop-rock band featured in my book, Scandalized.

More to come, SOON! ^_^

P.S. If you come to #AprilFeelsDay this coming Sunday (April 17), I’ll have some tiny Scandalized stuff to give away. So see you there!

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Backtracking a bit: My #SparkNA journey

It’s been almost a month since the #SparkNA writing workshop came to a close, and I never really got around to writing about the experience–or I did, but in increments over the past few months–because 1) things got crazy at work, and; 2) I think I’m still in denial that it had already ended.

During our second and last face-to-face class on the 6th of June, our mentor, Mina, asked us to answer three questions: What went right? What went wrong? And: What’s next?

It’s funny how most of our responses were very similar; I guess it’s true what they say about birds of the same feather, haha. Anyway, I think this whole experience merits another round of . . .

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Movie lovers unite!

The Modworld Popcorn Club is inviting all movie enthusiasts to be part of our series of block screening events from June to August 2015! We are now selling tickets to Jurassic World in 3D (June 13), Minions in 3D (July 11), and Fantastic Four in 3D (August 8) with special early bird rates. To buy, simply click on THIS LINK and fill out the form on the page. Further instructions will be given to you via email.

Are you an interested block buyer or sponsor? You may contact our lovely Miss Liezel Bunao at 950 4782 / 0916 850 0007 or send her an email at Or you may send me an email a

The Early Bird Promo has been EXTENDED to May 31st! Hurry and buy your tickets now! ^_^

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