Tara’s Thoughts On: PETA Theater Center’s One More Chance the Musical

When PETA’s One More Chance the Musical was announced last year, my first reaction was “WHY?”

Now, hear me out—I don’t want to be a hater, but I think most of us who loved the Star Cinema movie when it first came out have grown older and wiser, and realized that a) Popoy, the male MC, was a toxic sadboi, and; b) his HFN with Basha wasn’t rightfully earned. Which is my way of saying I wasn’t exactly thrilled at the prospect of seeing it interpreted as a musical, even as a casual fan of Ben&Ben’s music.

But this IS still a PETA production, and from experience, I rarely leave a PETA show disappointed, so I decided to watch it at least once. Thankfully, I was able to get tickets now after being unable to snag some during their first run.

One More Chance tells the story of Popoy and Basha, an engineer and architect, respectively, who have been together for five years. They’re getting married soon, and everything they’re doing career-wise is geared toward that milestone. Plus their dream house, which Basha designed.

As the show opens, we see cracks in their relationship, owing mainly to Popoy disregarding Basha’s feelings. She is burnt out and unhappy in the firm they’re both working at, and wants to leave it all behind to venture into something else entirely—a t-shirt design business that Popoy thinks is simply a distraction from their end goal. Things come to a head when seemingly minor inconveniences pile up and aggravate Basha’s feelings of being unheard, and she decides to end their relationship.

Completely lost without her, a stubborn Popoy tries to win Basha’s heart back, eventually hurting not only her but also his relationship with their shared circle of friends. Will Popoy and Basha ever get their Happy Ever After? And when they do, will they be back in each other’s arms, or in someone else’s?

This review contains spoilers.

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