The Agony of Waiting

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If you’ve been following me on Instagram (personal & author accounts), Twitter, or Facebook, you’d know by now that I’ve finally finished my current work-in-progress. Last year, right on the heels of finishing The “Forget You” Brew, I came up with a story that merged my love for the undying friends-to-lovers trope and musical theatre. Labeled #teatrofic for a while, I filed the concept away for months until May of this year, when I began to really, seriously outline the story. A week later, I started writing.

The question that started the concept was this: What if your first kiss, and every single kiss you’ve received thereafter, is a stage kiss?

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Deleted Scenes | “FIVE: Time Out” from Hustle Play

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In time for the Emerald Pep Rally (Settle the Score/Hustle Play blog tour) happening this weekend, I’m sharing a scene that didn’t make it to the final version of Hustle Play.

settle the score hustle play cover

Settle the Score/Hustle Play


College senior Garnet Figueroa lives and breathes basketball. A reliable asset to her varsity team, she is equipped with the skills and smarts to get the De La Sierra Lady Hunters closer to this year’s championship title. But Garnet soon finds out that her good friend (and long-time crush), cheerdancer Charles Crisostomo, is being cheated on by his girl, and she lets her emotions get the best of her.

Will she be able to come up with a game plan to save herself from heartbreak before the buzzer signals Game Over?


Running on pure adrenaline and working with game strategies is something a basketball player like Garnet Figueroa is trained for. On the court, she is unbeatable. Off the court… that’s a completely different story.

Because falling in love is trickier than a ball game, and Garnet finds herself fumbling over her feelings for Charles Crisostomo. The fact that her attention gets divided between him and rival school hard-court hottie Chris Barcelo doesn’t help.

Or does it?

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Click on the Continue Reading button to read the deleted scene, and why I decided to do away with it.

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Deleted Scenes | “Chapter Fourteen – Max” from If the Dress Fits

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Carla de Guzman’s latest book, If the Dress Fits is featured in this week’s Deleted Scenes.

If the Dress Fits

if the dress fits coverMartha Aguas kind of has it all–she’s an accountant who loves numbers, an accident-prone puppy that loves her, and the perfect wardrobe.

Yes, she wears a dress size 24, her bras don’t fit and she’s never had a boyfriend, but so what?

It becomes a big deal when her perfect cousin Regina announces her engagement to Enzo, the only boy she’s ever loved (he doesn’t know, so don’t tell him!) Suddenly Aguases from all corners of the globe are coming for the event, and the last thing Martha wants is to be asked why she still prefers her lattes with a waffle on the side.

Thank god for Max. Goofy, funny, dependable Max, who finds himself playing the fake boyfriend at the family festivities. But why does it feel like only one of them is pretending?

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Click on the Continue Reading button to read Carla’s message and the rest of the deleted scene.

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Deleted Scenes | “Payday” Trip from Keep the Faith

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For this week’s Deleted Scenes, author Ana Tejano shares a snippet she removed from her latest book, Keep the Faith.

cover keep the faith ana tejanoKeep the Faith

As a community development worker, Faith was quite familiar with heartbreak and recovery after all the time she spent on disaster relief missions. So when her five-year relationship ends right before she left for a mission trip to a typhoon-stricken town in Iloilo, she tries not to make a big deal out of it. How can she be broken up about a breakup when she’s with people who literally lost everything?

Buy Keep the Faith on Amazon | Smashwords | B&N | iBooks | Kobo |  Paperback (PH only)
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Click on the Continue Reading button to read “Payday” Trip, by Ana Tejano.

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Blog Tour | The Emerald Pep Rally

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Back in April, I put together a thing called  소리질러 (Make Some Noise) Week for Scandalized, which was basically a teeny-tiny version of an ARC sign-up + blog tour. It had been really fun, and I would’ve done the same for my latest release if I hadn’t been (figuratively) running around like a headless chicken since September. Welp.

settle the score hustle play coverThankfully, I now have time and energy to promote Garnet and Charles’ love story–and therefore, I present to you The Emerald Pep Rally! It’s a three-day blog tour featuring my first sports romance novella, Settle the Score/Hustle Play.

Here’s the rollout schedule for those interested in signing up:

November 2-9: Sign up week
November 10: Pep rally kit distribution
November 18-20: Emerald Pep Rally proper

Ready to join? If you have some time on your hands and want to participate in this tour, please fill out the form below!

[typeform_embed url=”” type=”embed”]

As my way of thanking those of you who will be signing up and participating, I’m raffling off some goodies at the end of the month. I’ll be announcing what they are soon! ^_^

Hope to see you all at the pep rally! <3

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