5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Miss Rak of Aegis 5.0

If you haven’t been living under the rock these past two years, you’ve probably heard of this original Filipino jukebox musical, Rak of Aegis. Developed from an idea of having a distinctly Pinoy counterpart to Broadway musical Rock of Ages, the Philippine Educational Theater Association (PETA) produced Rak, which became somewhat of a sensation after its first run in the first quarter of 2014.

Two years later, Rak is back with several new faces and 82 more shows which will run from June 17 to August 28. But whether you’re a Rak n00b or veteran, I believe Rak of Aegis 5.0 is something you shouldn’t miss–and here are five reasons why:

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#HeistClub: The Launch

If you thought the Filipino indie writing community is all about the romance, think again. This coming June 25, sixteen new crime stories penned by Filipino authors will be officially launched as book bundles at The Study by Enderun at the 4th Floor of The Podium, Ortigas Center. Ten of these sixteen will also be releasing standalones in digital and print format!

Exciting, right? Full story below:


In November 2015, author and indie publisher Mina V. Esguerra facilitated an online workshop organized by Bronze Age Media and sponsored by Buqo and Enderun’s The Study.

The challenge for the Filipino author: Write tales of dark pathways and mysterious psyches, misdemeanor and trouble, dread and doubt. The story should be a Case # 1 (there’s a hint of a sequel or better yet, a series), set in the Philippines, and written in English.

#HeistClub came alive with writer-participants being guided by invaluable tips and lessons from mentors Jennifer Hillier (author of Creep and Freak), F.H. Batacan (author of Smaller and Smaller Circles), forensic anthropologist R.J. Taduran, life/non-life insurance executive Kevin Uy, Juliet Grames of Soho Press, and Atty. Andrea Pasion-Flores of Jacaranda Literary Agency.

At the end of the month-long workshop, sixteen crime stories were produced. They were released in three ebook bundles on Buqo in late January this year.

Click on the Read More button for the complete list of titles to be launched on the 25th.

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BOOK BLITZ: Maybe This Time by C.P. Santi

Another #romanceclass author has birthed a new book into the world! Author C.P. Santi (When Cocoy Became KikayBe Careful What You Wish For) has recently released Maybe This Time, a collection of short, contemporary romance stories about love and second chances.


An accidental reunion . . . a sneaky plot . . . things finally falling into place.

Maybe This Time contains three heart-warming stories of love and second chances. Because when fate gives you a break, you grab the chance to finally make things right.

In Sweeter by the Second, when paintings conservator Rina David arrives for the Arts Festival in the heritage town of Jimenez, she’s reunited with Tony, the guy she once loved and lost. Now vice-mayor of Jimenez, Tony wants Rina back in his life and will do everything he can to convince her that they belong together.

Pamela Quiroz hatches a plot to get her parents back together in Exorcising my Ex. But will a romantic Valentine’s Day dinner succeed in reconciling Geno and Viv? After all, it’s been more than fifteen years since they first got together and they aren’t the hormone-driven teenagers they once were. Will wine and cheese balls still do the trick?

Torch, meet hand. Arne Weichmann has been waiting twenty-one years for Bea. Is it finally the right time to make his move and convince her that they are Meant to Be? He hopes so. Because he doesn’t think he’ll survive losing the one person who brought warmth and sunshine to his life.

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Click on the Read More button for excerpts from each of the three stories, and cute mini book trailers too! <3

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Mini Blog Project: #RomanceClass ❤ OPM

I love listening to music. It doesn’t even matter which language it comes in. While I grew up listening to OPM classics, much of my teenage years were full of Western music, and I turned to K-Pop in my mid-20s. Still, my love affair with Original Pilipino Music is alive and kickin’, and I would like to believe yours is, too.

Or maybe I can help start it.

From June to August, I’m doing this mini project called #RomanceClass ❤ OPM. With your help, I’m hoping to be able to curate Original Pilipino Music playlists inspired by #romanceclass books you authored or read. Sound interesting? See links below for sign-ups!

For #romanceclass authors

If you wrote a #romanceclass book/s, let me know what OPM song you would relate to your story, your characters, or even a scene in your book.

For #romanceclass readers

If you’re a fan of #romanceclass books, tell me what OPM song you hear in your head when you read your favorite titles. It could be a song suited for a character, a scene, or the overall story.

Some rules:

  1. Strictly OPM songs only. This does not include covers of non-OPM songs by OPM artists. There are plenty of songs out there, I’m sure you’ll be able to find one. Promise.
  2. Filipino and English songs are allowed.
  3. You may submit as many songs as you like, but limit one song per #romanceclass title. As this project also aims to help promote as many #romanceclass books as possible, I’d like to see a nice mix of books and songs. You’d have to agree that would make for an interesting playlist, right?

And that’s it! Hopefully, I’d be able to churn out one playlist a month… I mean, we almost have a hundred titles in the #romanceclass catalogue. That’s a lot of material to work on!

Looking forward to your contributions! <3


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Dream Cast + Playlist: Old Enemies Make the Best Lovers by Kate Sebastian

Welcome to another edition of Backlist Revival Project, where the spotlight is on Filipino-authored books released before 2015. For this round, I’m featuring Kate Sebastian’s Old Enemies Make the Best Lovers.

Old Enemies Make the Best Lovers
by Kate Sebastian

Christy Martinez may have been a nerd and the number one victim for the mean girls in her high school, but she’s since grown up, gone to college, and carved out a successful career for herself. Now in her late 20s, she’s put high school behind her, only to be blindsided by a blast from her past.

She and her friends have planned a much-needed vacation, but she finds out at the last minute that they’ll be joined by uber rich and gorgeous Kyle Quinto. He just happens to be the guy who played a cruel trick on her in high school, breaking her heart and making her a target for bullying in the process.

Can Christy forgive and forget? Because Kyle is a whole lot of hot.

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Get to know Kate Sebastian’s dream cast (she has two sets!) and listen to her book playlist by clicking on the Read More button below!

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