PROMO + GIVEAWAY: Get Author Amae Dechavez’s books!

Author Amae Dechavez (The Discontented Little Star, One Lovely Summer Day) is celebrating her birthday soon, and she’s giving away free copies of her books! CLICK HERE to join the raffle and get the chance to win digital copies of The Discontented Little Star and One Sweet November Day.

But wait, there’s more! Support the author by purchasing her books on Buqo! From January 11 to 31, One Sweet November Day and One Lovely Summer Day will be available on Buqo for only P29, while The Discontented Little Star will be sold at only P45.

Don’t miss this chance to build your Buqo library and give Amae a wonderful birthday gift! Happy birthday, Amae! 😀

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{ Book Review } The Boyfriend Backtrack | Dawn Lanuza

cover-boybackIf they say that life flashes right before your eyes when you die, do you also get a flashback of your exes when your perfect boyfriend is proposing to you? At least that’s the case for Regina Cortez.

There’s her dramatic high school boyfriend, her first college crush, the irresistible heart breaker, and the ever elusive one.

By backtracking to her past, will Regina make it to ‘I Do’? Or will she just keep running away?

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Prints are available at National Bookstore outlets.
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What Drew Me In

The synopsis. A flashback of your exes while your current flame is proposing to you? Well . . . something’s clearly wrong in that picture, and I wanted to know what it was!

(It’s also interesting to note that, as with All’s Fair in Blog & War, I also got attracted to The Boyfriend Backtrack‘s digital covers–check it out on Amazon. Beautiful, right?)

Click on the Read More button for the rest of my review. There may be spoilers, ye have been warned.

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{ Book Review } All’s Fair in Blog & War | Chrissie Peria

cover-allsfairFive Cuevas @fivetravels
Three guesses to where I’m going next. Starts with an M. Ends with a U. Has a lechon named after it. #travel

Twenty-something travel blogger Five thinks she has hit the jackpot when she gets invited to glittering Macau for an all-expense-paid bloggers tour. Think majestic old churches, sparkling casinos, exhilarating bungee jumps, and the world’s most unforgettable egg tarts. The trip is practically perfect, except for one little glitch. She gets assigned to be travel buddies with Jesse, the world’s most infuriating photo blogger, and it’s definitely war at first sight.

Will Five let Jesse turn her dream vacation into a total nightmare? Or will falling in love be on the itinerary?

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What Drew Me In

THE COVER (Design & illustration by Clarissa Ines)! I mean, would you look at that beauty? Quick backstory: I saw this book listed along with other #romanceclass books in their catalogue back in March last year and had been meaning to buy it but kept on forgetting. I became acquainted with author Chrissie Peria when we became bundlemates for #StrangeLit and I asked her to reserve a print copy of this book for me in time for FilReaderCon–and that’s where I finally got one!

Click on the Read More button for the rest of the review. This also serves as your warning for possible spoilers.

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