#StrangeLit Giveaway: Day 1 [ CLOSED ]


Right on the heels of the #StrangeLit bundle release was the announcement of the launch event which will happen at Recession Coffee, Eastwood on October 24, from 2:00-4:00 PM. Now that should’ve made me really excited because it’s going to be the first time I’ll be attending a launch for something I wrote, but it’s my high school kabarkada‘s wedding on that day as well, and I CANNOT miss that or she’ll have my head on a platter.

So because I can’t really have fun giving away stuff on that day, I’ve decided to do my giveaways before the launch instead. If you’d like to join these giveaways, all you need to do are the following:

  1. Buy the #KillerSeasons bundle on Buqo. (It’s just P90 right now, P250 in a few weeks, so take advantage of the introductory price!)
  2. Read my novella, The “Forget You” Brew.
  3. Follow me on Twitter (@tarafrejas) and like my Facebook page (/taratriestowrite)
  4. Stay tuned for GIVEAWAY ALERTS, like this one below:


Do you know the answer to this question? Hurry and DM the answer to me @tarafrejas (and remember NOT to tweet the answer). I will be accepting entries until midnight tomorrow, October 6.

Two winners will receive the following:

Giveaway Prize #1: A mini notebook, a bunny paperclip/bookmark, two kinds of bunny post-its, and a Paper Planes Back Home bookmark with a code to download the eBook on Buqo for free! ^_^

Hope you guys join! <3

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#JustWritePH: Claim it #ForTheWin

It’s the fifth and final week of the #JustWritePH blog tour and I would like to congratulate all the authors who participated and put their work out there. Finishing a piece is an accomplishment in itself, and having the courage to have it read by many is a huge feat, so CONGRATULATIONS! You guys are all winners.

Speaking of winners, here’s a sneak peek at the fifth and final #JustWritePH bundle: #ForTheWin.

Insurmountable challenges from supernatural beings, political scandals in vast kingdoms, post-apocalyptic survival, and...dealing with the extended family? All in a day’s work for the characters in this thrilling bundle of stories about overcoming obstacles and testing their resolve. Features “Hunter Zero” by Viai, “The Seeker’s Inn” by Maita Rue, “A Solarpunk Fairytale” by Mary Beatrice Ponce, and “Her Highness, The Handmaiden: Ascension” by Saelynne G. LeClerk. [ CLICK HERE TO BUY THE BUNDLE. ]
Insurmountable challenges from supernatural beings, political scandals in vast kingdoms, post-apocalyptic survival, and…dealing with the extended family? All in a day’s work for the characters in this thrilling bundle of stories about overcoming obstacles and testing their resolve. Features “Hunter Zero” by Viai, “The Seeker’s Inn” by Maita Rue, “A Solarpunk Fairytale” by Mary Beatrice Ponce, and “Her Highness, The Handmaiden: Ascension” by Saelynne G. LeClerk. [ CLICK HERE TO BUY THE BUNDLE. ]
Click the Read More button for story blurbs, excerpts, and author follow links.

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Our #StrangeLit Game is Strong!

They are here! Forty-one paranormal/urban fantasy pieces from forty-one Filipino authors, bundled into four collections–Killer Seasons, Darkest Dreams, Fateful Turns, and Incredible Truths–are now available on Buqo for only P90/$1.99 each! I’ve yet to purchase all the bundles (I bought Killer Seasons the other day to check the formatting and everything, and I’m not even done yet), but please, please, please help indie Filipino writers get their works read and noticed. With this awesome introductory price, I’m pretty sure you won’t get shortchanged!

Bundle 1: #KillerSeasons

StrangeLit_KillerSeasonsA werewolf chef, a cursed family, a spell to forget. You’ll meet these and more in the ten stories of the KILLER SEASONS installment of #StrangeLit, featuring:

Resto Rescue by Maita Rue
The Last Night of Her Wake by Chrissie Peria
House of Silver: A Cursebreaker Novel by C.P. Perez
The Myth Menagerie by Lana Garcia
Vengeance: The Awakening by Arlene Manocot
At The Wishing Well by Amae Dechavez
Intersection by Den Lim
Disappearing Act by Roselle De Guzman
The “Forget You” Brew by Tara Frejas
Aurelia by Japonicus


Follow #KillerSeasons on Facebook and get to know more about the ten stories in this collection! Feel free to interact with us, authors, too! ^_^ We might have a werewolf in our midst, but promise . . . we won’t bite! 😛

My novella, The “Forget You” Brew is part of Killer Seasons. Here’s a quick look:



Shall I make this fun? If you’ve already bought the Killer Seasons bundle and read The “Forget You” Brew, follow me on Twitter (@tarafrejas) and I shall be posting giveaways starting tomorrow, October 5th. Metro Manila only–so sorry to those who are living somewhere else, but I can’t do overseas giveaways for now.

I’m preparing little gifts as giveaways and will be posting photos of them on Twitter very soon. JOIN JOIN JOIN! ^_^ (I might really go overboard with this because I won’t be at the launch, so . . . might as well create some noise before then, right?)

Click the Read More button for introductions to the other three bundles, as well as buy links.

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{ Short & Tweet } Episode Two


And that’s it for this year’s FIBA Asia Tournament. Philippine Team Gilas Pilipinas will come home with the silver after tonight’s championship match versus China. Not exactly the game I wanted to see, but it was something I’d also expected. From the game against Lebanon alone, we were already given a preview of what was to happen if we faced China: Lots of questionable calls from referees sending us into penalty early in the quarters and affording the rival team more free throws than we should.

Not to undermine China, however. They were formidable with very, very tall, young players with lots of athleticism and excellent basketball skills. They could have easily pulled away with a 50-point deficit banking on their skills alone, but I do believe Gilas played well defensively, keeping the margin as close as possible until the final seconds of the game. I also believe that the bad referee calls demoralized Gilas as the game wore on, and that didn’t bode well for our dear National Team. Still, I applaud the players for their gallant display of bravado and heart, from Jones Cup to FIBA Asia. Congratulations, #GilasPilipinas! <3 You guys are still our heroes!

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When The Voices In Your Head Escape (AKA My First #RomanceClass Experience)

I forgot when exactly it was that Mina tagged me in a #romanceclass discussion thread on Facebook, saying because of certain things she knows about me, she’s inviting me to tag along to this little gathering. Of course I would have loved to join them, but I was new to the group and didn’t know the “rules” yet, if there were any, so getting that little invite made me happy. I asked Mina what those things were, and she gave me only one hint:

Rak of Aegis

Oh she got me. She got me good. 😛

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