{ Short & Tweet } Episode One

Thought of putting together amusing tweets I’ve posted, faved, and RT-ed recently. Ya know, for posterity. 😛 Let’s start with this one because… COME ON. I know it’s like a month ago but come. on.

Best thing about this tweet?


To be honest, I have the biggest crush on Aaron Tveit, but sometimes Manny Montana just makes my heart flutter. I think it’s that drawl. So adorable. <3

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Sweet dreams are made of these.

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Fact: I have the most awesome friends. No, seriously. I may not be very well off (there’s a running joke in our office right now how we belong to borderline SEC D before payday, and it’s kind of true) but I have friends who are always there to y’know, make me look forward to every day, like my #ClingyGirls. ^_^

Last week, my friend Chi came to my house and delivered a bundle of these–my first-ever digitally published eBook, Paper Planes Back Home–IN PRINT! Of course she’d already told me that she was going to give me these as a gift, but I was still surprised when she arrived and gave these to me. I WAS SHAKING! It was such a surreal feeling to actually hold the book in my hands, like . . . WOAH, is this really happening?

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The Company | Tanging Pag-Asa Ko

Tanging Pag-Asa Ko is one of the entries to this year’s PhilPop competition culminating on Saturday, July 25. I have yet to listen to all the finalists, but I’m posting this because 1) my friend OJ is singing awesomely in it (Happy birthday, by the way!), and; 2) I feel like it’s something I’d listen to while struggling over something, how ever small compared to someone else’s circumstances.

Let’s go give the other song entries a listen! Click here.

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Red Marks

Think about what we said, Jinah. We are not taking our son away from you; we only want you to live your life the way you should be.

I promised to be with him for the rest of my life.

Circumstances have changed, child. We will understand if–

I’m not giving him up.

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Never Been Easy

The warmth trickles into her system like shower droplets, sliding slowly through her veins, blooming into a familiar tingle on the skin.

She could feel his arms around her again, his breath upon her neck. She could almost hear him say something as he exhales.

But nothing.

She opens her eyes, closes them again, choosing to remain in a place where he still loves her.

Where he exists.

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