He Wins, He Loses

It is a well-known fact that Greyson Jacobs, now co-captain of Kensington High’s basketball team, is an awfully competitive son of a bitch.

Case in point: this doughnut-eating contest he’s hell-bent on winning.

It started as a joke between friends. Greyson didn’t have any business joining contests like this, not when he should be busier thinking about the upcoming game against long-time rival Irving High. “But it’s for a good cause, Greyson!” Samantha Larsen, 1/4 of their motley crew, insisted, leaning over their makeshift booth to hand her friend a pen. “Sign up!”

Greyson’s eyes remained fixed on the flyer Sam shoved into his hand a few minutes ago. Sign up for a Doughnut-Eating Contest! For the benefit of Kensington High’s Volleybelles. “Let me get this straight,” he said, raising an eyebrow. “I pay you five dollars so I could humiliate myself in front of the entire student body?”

The smile on Sam’s face turned into a thin, stern line. Leaning over again, she snatched the flyer from Greyson’s hand, effectively giving him a paper cut. He howled and threw Sam a glare, which she graciously returned.

“Beat it if you’re not going to be of any help.”

“What are you raising funds for, anyway?”

She rolled her eyes. “Sometimes I don’t understand how we’re friends, Greyson. How many times have I told y–”

“Oh, a doughnut-eating contest! Awesome!”

Greyson felt an arm drape over his shoulder a second later. He didn’t need to turn his head to know who just arrived. “Greyson, you signing up?” It’s Ashton, his best friend and team mate, also part of their small clique. “Hi Sam,” he continued, nodding at the blonde whose mood seemed to have soured.

“Hey, Ash.”

While Greyson distracted himself with something else at another booth, Ashton reached for the pen in Sam’s hand and, without another word, signed on the participant form. He dug his pockets for a couple of bucks after that, handed them over to Sam, and went after his best friend, dragging him away to the food stalls.

“Ash! Ashton!” Sam called out. He’d given her ten dollars by mistake.

But Ashton only looked over his shoulder and winked at her. Sam shook her head and decided to give the extra cash back after dismissal, but when she glanced at the sign-up form, she realized he didn’t make a mistake at all.

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Backtracking a bit: My #SparkNA journey

It’s been almost a month since the #SparkNA writing workshop came to a close, and I never really got around to writing about the experience–or I did, but in increments over the past few months–because 1) things got crazy at work, and; 2) I think I’m still in denial that it had already ended.

During our second and last face-to-face class on the 6th of June, our mentor, Mina, asked us to answer three questions: What went right? What went wrong? And: What’s next?

It’s funny how most of our responses were very similar; I guess it’s true what they say about birds of the same feather, haha. Anyway, I think this whole experience merits another round of . . .

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Day One Hundred

On-File: “*We Got Married” Interview Reel
Im Jinah
Week Twelve

“It’s almost your 100th day together,” the PD says off-camera. “Are you planning something special for your husband?”

The smile on Nana’s face is wide. She is ready to answer this question. “Yes.”

“Tell us about it.”

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Get to know your emotions!

If memory serves me right, we were first given a glimpse of our adorable emotions during Big Hero 6 film previews, and I was instantly hooked. The premise was innovative and it left me wondering how Pixar was going to pull this one off.

Disney Pixar’s Inside Out had already been released in the US earlier in June, and viewers were nothing short of amazed at the entire production–the animation, the storytelling, and the execution. It has so far received a 98% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and every day, more reviews about how Pixar has “done it again” surface on the internet.

This is very, very exciting news, not only for me, because I have been excited about this film since I’ve seen the previews, but also for moviegoers who are looking for a fun movie to enjoy with their family, friends, or colleagues. The Modworld Popcorn Club–an events entity of Modworld Production Management, Inc.–is holding a special block screening event featuring Inside Out on August 22, 2015, 8:00 PM, at the SM Megamall Cinema 6 and tickets are now available in discounted prices!

InsideOut-EarlyBirdBlue InsideOut-EarlyBirdRed

#MWPopcornClub offers a Movie Ticket + Krispy Kreme freebie combo from now until July 10 (or until coupon supplies last) for only P300 (BLUE tickets) and P360 (RED tickets: with snacks from SM SnackTime). Krispy Kreme Create-Your-Own coupons entitle you to a customized doughnut, a cup of their Signature Coffee, and an Original glazed doughnut, all for FREE!

InsideOut-EarlyBirdBlueAF InsideOut-EarlyBirdRedAF

Additionally, there is also a Movie + Play combo which includes an Active Fun Unlimited Play voucher per ticket purchase. The Movie + Play combo is available for P660 (BLUE ticket + Play voucher) and P720 (RED ticket + Play voucher). You get to save P95 per purchase and ensure a child’s enjoyment inside and outside the cinema. All Active Fun Unlimited Play vouchers are valid on weekdays at any of the Active Fun branches (Bonifacio High Street, SM Megamall, and Fairview Terraces) until October 31, 2015.

Wanna enjoy Inside Out with your family or barkada? Buy your tickets today and you may even get the chance to win special raffle prizes from our sponsors! Text or Viber 0905 304 2597, or visit www.modworldproduction.com to purchase your tickets online.

The #MWPopcornClub is working very hard to give you all a wonderful time at the movies, so see you all there! <3

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Maybe Some Other Day

“Today,” she tells her reflection in the mirror as she puts an earring on. “It has to be today.”

She has lost count of the times she’d resolved to break up with Daniel–her boyfriend of almost three months–only for said resolve to weaken and disappear completely the moment he smiles at her. Who could blame her, really? Aside from the fact that her boyfriend’s good looks could so easily land him on magazine covers, he is the sweetest, most attentive man she’s known. (It could be argued, however, that the most dominant male figure in her life leaves much to be desired, but that’s not the point.)

Daniel is not the problem in this equation, no. It’s her. She needs to break up with him because she knows there is no way she could be completely honest with him. And that’s not fair.

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