#RomanceClass goes to MIBF 2016!

Why yes, I’ve already pinched myself several times to make sure I’m not only dreaming… because this is definitely happening: #RomanceClass will be at the 37th Manila International Book Fair from September 14-18, 2016 at the SMX Convention Center! OH. MY. GOD. *cue screaming*

Short backstory, to make this post a little more coherent:

This time last year, I was hell-bent on finishing a novella for the #StrangeLit (urban fantasy/paranormal fiction) workshop I signed up for, and come MIBF season, we authors were invited to come to the Buqo booth to interact with possible readers of our books. We had that book-to-ebook exchange thing going on where people can come bring their old books, donate it to the cause, and get our ebook bundles in exchange. And while it was a fun experience, we wanted more.

We wanted more people interacting with us authors, asking about our books and actually buying them. We wanted a lot of kilig, and maybe some screaming (because we heard a LOT of screaming going on at some booths and we were like, WE WANT THAT), and just basically a space for us to do Things.

Fastforward to a year later, and we have this. Our books (42 titles from #romanceclass, #StrangeLit, and #HeistClub) will be available all week long at our designated booth, and we have our very own talk + live reading on Sunday, the 18th! How about that?

Many thanks to author Miles Tan for the lovely artwork we’re using for this year’s #romanceclass MIBF promotions. Awesome, awesome job. <3

Come and join us at the MIBF this year, okay? I’m looking forward to meeting you guys, especially at the Sunday event. Migs Almendras, Rachel Coates, and Gio Gahol will be there to read new #romanceclass selections, and I’m so excited to find out what they are! Are you? <3

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