Mini Blog Project: #RomanceClass ❤ OPM

I love listening to music. It doesn’t even matter which language it comes in. While I grew up listening to OPM classics, much of my teenage years were full of Western music, and I turned to K-Pop in my mid-20s. Still, my love affair with Original Pilipino Music is alive and kickin’, and I would like to believe yours is, too.

Or maybe I can help start it.

From June to August, I’m doing this mini project called #RomanceClass ❤ OPM. With your help, I’m hoping to be able to curate Original Pilipino Music playlists inspired by #romanceclass books you authored or read. Sound interesting? See links below for sign-ups!

For #romanceclass authors

If you wrote a #romanceclass book/s, let me know what OPM song you would relate to your story, your characters, or even a scene in your book.

For #romanceclass readers

If you’re a fan of #romanceclass books, tell me what OPM song you hear in your head when you read your favorite titles. It could be a song suited for a character, a scene, or the overall story.

Some rules:

  1. Strictly OPM songs only. This does not include covers of non-OPM songs by OPM artists. There are plenty of songs out there, I’m sure you’ll be able to find one. Promise.
  2. Filipino and English songs are allowed.
  3. You may submit as many songs as you like, but limit one song per #romanceclass title. As this project also aims to help promote as many #romanceclass books as possible, I’d like to see a nice mix of books and songs. You’d have to agree that would make for an interesting playlist, right?

And that’s it! Hopefully, I’d be able to churn out one playlist a month… I mean, we almost have a hundred titles in the #romanceclass catalogue. That’s a lot of material to work on!

Looking forward to your contributions! <3


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The Company | Tanging Pag-Asa Ko

Tanging Pag-Asa Ko is one of the entries to this year’s PhilPop competition culminating on Saturday, July 25. I have yet to listen to all the finalists, but I’m posting this because 1) my friend OJ is singing awesomely in it (Happy birthday, by the way!), and; 2) I feel like it’s something I’d listen to while struggling over something, how ever small compared to someone else’s circumstances.

Let’s go give the other song entries a listen! Click here.

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