Book Aesthetics | Settle the Score / Hustle Play

settle the score hustle play promotional

To say that I’ve been having a lot of fun making book aesthetics for my titles is an understatement. Recently, I’ve stumbled upon an Instagram profile template on Behance and had fun playing with it! <3 Here are the ones I made for my recent release, Settle the Score / Hustle Play.

Important Note: The personalities included in these photos are image pegs and are not, in any way, connected to me or the aforementioned book. (I wish they are, though. I mean… they’re awesome.)

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Deleted Scenes | Non-Disclosure Agreement from Scandalized

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In the past, I’ve made the mistake of deleting paragraphs upon paragraphs from my manuscript when I felt like I didn’t want them there anymore. Sometimes I forget and do this when I edit/revise, but I’d like to think I’m a bit wiser now.

You see, erasing scenes from our stories doesn’t necessarily mean they’re bad. I mean, there must be some reason you wrote them down in the first place, right? Maybe they’re not pushing the story forward, or they look out of place. Maybe you’ve found a better way to include them in the story.

Whatever your motivation was, those huge blocks of text are now lying somewhere within the pages of your early drafts, forgotten. I know, because I have a lot of them too. This Deleted Scenes segment is a way to show you what I’ve scrapped from my manuscripts, and maybe show you some fun stuff that never made it to the books.

This first one I’m sharing is from Scandalized. ^_^

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COVER REVEAL: Settle the Score / Hustle Play

Oh hi~ I’m back with a new (ish) book release! Ish, because half of this two-part book has already been released as an eBook via Buqo early this year.

Settle the Score is a short story about basketball player Garnet Figueroa, who makes a move to “rescue” her good friend, Charles Crisostomo, from an unhealthy relationship. The second installment, Hustle Play, continues where Settle the Score left off.

Amazon Release: October 15 (Click here to pre-order for only $0.99!)
Print Release: October 22 (#FeelsFest, baby!)


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My Titles & Where to Find Them

So, hey! Somehow, my list of titles has grown to five, and just in case you don’t know where to find them yet, here’s a quick rundown:

Paper Planes Back Home

Purchase Links: Amazon | Smashwords | Buqo | Print-on-Demand

The “Forget You” Brew

Purchase Links: Buqo (#StrangeLit Killer Seasons Bundle) | Buqo (Standalone) | AmazonPrint-on-Demand

#TalesFromTheMetro Shorts

The Thing About Hug Replacements

Buy it on Buqo.

Settle the Score

Buy it on Buqo.


Purchase Links: Amazon | Print-on-Demand


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