Comma Chameleon

Punctuation marks confuse the shit out of me sometimes, to the point that I either overuse them, or don’t use them at all. I’m not really sure how it’s possible to be an expert in punctuation–I’m still trying to be more skilled in grammar, to be honest–but it’s always thanks to patient people like Rix, my editor friend, that I realize my punctuating follies and correct them. 

But to those who don’t have an editor who’d reply to a “Do you think it’s fine to use (this punctuation mark) in this sentence?” over Viber/Facebook Messenger/LINE, Google could be your bestfriend. There are lots of websites offering short lessons about punctuation and how to use them properly, sometimes in very creative ways, too. I’ve also found Pinterest to be an interesting source of material for these kinds of things; in fact, I found this on Pinterest a long time ago and decided to keep it for future reference:


Do you like using semicolons? Yeah, me too. The Oatmeal has a handy guide to that as well. Actually, the site has a couple of very useful lessons on grammar and punctuation. You might want to check them out.

Do you have a go-to site whenever you’re feeling stuck with grammar and punctuation? Do share!

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