[ Cover Reveal ] What If We Fall In Love?

I love cover reveals. I do. Especially when I know the author doing it and I trust them to “deliver the goods,” so to speak. And also when I’m the one doing the reveal.

In the #romanceclass community, we have a project called #romanceclasscovers where we (or actually, our resident photographer, Chi Yu Rodriguez) takes photos of Filipino models (sometimes they’re actors, sometimes they’re friends of friends!) and we put these photos on the covers of our books. It doesn’t sound quite revolutionary when you think about it, but it’s a statement. It says, loudly, that we want to see Filipinos on the covers of our books. We want to see not just faces, but faces with real emotion. Poses that entice and tickle the imagination. The whole she-bang.

It’s a representation thing. It’s an aesthetic thing. It’s a choice.

My choice for my upcoming book, What If We Fall In Love?, is a playful, happy photo of Gab Pangilinan and Gio Gahol taken way back in 2017, when we still did regular studio shoots for #romanceclass covers. It’s been hidden away for so long, I’ve just being waiting and waiting and waiting to see where I could use it, and the opportunity presented itself after deciding on releasing a romance anthology.

And here it is—the cover of What If We Fall In Love?:

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Tara’s Thoughts On: Kaith C. Cimafranca’s TAKE TWO

Reading Kaith C. Cimafranca’s Take Two reminded me of those cozy Star Cinema rom-coms in the 90s where stakes weren’t as high, but you still root for the main characters really hard. In Take Two, now-Canadian resident VJ meets her TOTGA (she will deny this if you call him that, btw) at a party 19 years after she left the Philippines to start anew. Marco instantly feels how aloof VJ is, but he doesn’t seem to mind, and we understand this little dynamic of theirs as the story brings us back and forth from their college years to the present.

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Another Tres Launches book launch is happening tonight!

I had a lot of fun hosting last week’s back-to-back-to-back book launch featuring books by #romanceclass authors Angel C. Aquino, Ines Bautista-Yao, and Mina V. Esguerra, and tonight I’m doing it again!~

This week, we are launching three other #romanceclass books by authors Carla de Guzman, Jay E. Tria, and Kaith C. Cimafranca:

The stream is tonight (Saturday, October 15) at 8PM PHT, and if you want to tune in and watch, you can stream the video below or watch it straight on YouTube. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel!

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Tres Launches Book Launch with Angel, Ines, and Mina this Saturday!

So excited to be hosting this book launch on Saturday! We will be having Angel C. Aquino, Ines Bautista-Yao, and Mina V. Esguerra talk about their books that were released (or, re-released) this year, namely:

You can watch the stream below—stream starts on Saturday, October 8 at 5:00 pm PHT. Or you can subscribe to the #romanceclass YouTube channel to be notified of our streams!

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