Book Cover Crazy: My 1st #RomanceClassCovers Experience

#romanceclasscovers shoot day
THAT’S A WRAP! #romanceclasscovers 3.0 featured Fred Lo and Vanya Castor. Photo by Chi Yu Rodriguez. Styling by Alex V. Lapa. Overall coordination by Mina V. Esguerra. Additional, panggulo feels by Ana Tejano, Jay E. Tria, Tania Arpa, and yours truly.

“Aga-aga daming feelings!” -Lo, 2017

^ Now THAT is a pretty accurate description of what went down at the citruSnap studio last May 14, to be honest. There we were, six giddy authors (one of whom is also the photographer, the other, a book cover designer), two gorgeous models, and one badass stylist, trying our best to stay on our toes and be ~productive on a hot, Sunday morning. While this wasn’t the first time I got involved in a photo shoot, this was the first time I sponsored one for a personal project.

I wasn’t prepared. *insert sweating emoji here* Yes, even when I’ve saved a bunch of reference photos on my Pinterest board and sent it over to Mina to compile. Even when I had already outlined 2/3 of the book for which some of the photos will be shot. Even when I’ve rehearsed in my head what kind of direction I’d be giving Fred and Vanya so I can achieve the look I wanted. Nope. I wasn’t.

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Here, have my feelings. All of them.

Okay, I know… I know. It’s been three weeks since the #romanceclass April Feels Day–I should have gotten over it by now, moved on and such… but guess what? It’s not happening. Nuh-uh.

All because the live readings for Waiting in the Wings happened.

So here I am, writing this post to try and process my feelings one by one. There will be more ~processing posts, by the way, because more things happened after April 30 and I just…

Why yes, I’ve been finding the need to do this for three weeks now.

Before I wordvomit around this space, you need to know these three things:

  1. Waiting in the Wings is my most personal work yet,
  2. A huge chunk of Ramon’s personality was inspired by Gio Gahol, and;
  3. Pio Alvez in my headcanon looks and sounds like Fred Lo.
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Here’s your open invitation to #AprilFeelsDay!

april feels day 2017 banner

You’re coming, right?

I mean, because you can’t miss all the fun, especially not the live readings… when we’ve got these amazing people:

Also, there are 15 new books being launched that day.

Just in case… y’know, you need more on your humongous TBR pile. *wink*

And just in case it’s your first time–and even if it’s not–here’s a guide you might find helpful. <3 See you on Sunday!

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Review | Mula sa Buwan (Or Why It Deserves Another Rerun)

mula sa buwan

Soon after Blackbox Productions’ Mula sa Buwan returned for a two-weekend run last February 18, I saw social media posts comparing the musical to the recently-released Jollibee “Vow” ad. But while the trope was definitely similar, the Cyrano de Bergerac retelling was SO much more than that. (In millenial-speak, it was simply SO EXTRA.)

This December 2016 review of Mula sa Buwan will tell you just how much I loved the show when I first saw it, and just when I thought I couldn’t possibly fall in love with it a little more, they went ahead and proved me wrong. I love it when that happens.

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