Review | The Bye-Bye Bouquet by Chi Yu Rodriguez

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the byebye bouquet coverEvery month for the past year, like clockwork, Meile Simon has gotten orders at her shop for the same type of bouquet, from the same guy, delivered to twelve different girls. By the third month, she starts to take note.

Warren Leigh likes women. He does. He knows there are too many beautiful women out there just waiting to be plucked by the right guy. But he firmly believes that personal relationships with them must have an expiration date.

When the girl who likes to watch flowers bloom encounters the guy who’s only in it while the fragrance lasts, curiosity gets the best of both of them.

In the midst of intermittent weather, will their connection blossom or wilt?

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What Drew Me In

Two things:

First, Chi Yu Rodriguez has been my friend since IDK 2007 (?) and we’ve been kind of writing buddies for a bit before I dragged her into this beautiful mess (haha!) called #romanceclass. So of course I knew I was going to read this book, especially since she used my Broadway bias, Aaron Tveit, as a character peg!

Second, isn’t that cover just gorgeous? It’s so out of character for the author, though, but perfect for the story. (Don’t kill me!) Another equally beautiful version of the cover exists, by the way, lovingly created by Carla de Guzman.

Click on the Continue Reading button for the rest of the review. May include spoilers. You have been warned.

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{ BOOK REVIEW + TOUR } Songs To Get Over You | Jay E. Tria

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Hello and welcome to my tour stop for Jay E. Tria’s new release: Songs To Get Over You! This blog tour is organized by the Bookish Diaries Book Tours. You may click on the image below to visit their website.

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Oh and YES! This blog tour comes with a nifty giveaway! Get a chance to win a print copy of Songs To Get Over You and a TRAINMAN shirt by joining HERE.

cover-stgoyIt’s harder to get over someone who was never really yours.

They say rock stars get all the girls. But Miki knows that’s not always true. He, for one, though the guitarist of popular indie band Trainman, just can’t seem to get the girl. It’s kind of his fault, really. No one told him to fall in love with Jill. No one told him to stand still and watch as she moved on from a terrible breakup into the arms of another guy—a Japanese celebrity with the face of an angel and the body of a god.

So when someone else comes along, someone who finds him cute, smart, and funny (sometimes in the haha sort of way), will Miki finally move on? Or will he continue to pine for Jill?

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What Drew Me In

Oh, this? This was an insta-buy for me. I have read the first book in this series–Songs Of Our Breakup–and loved it. It’s only natural that I one-click the shit out of this book, right?

Click on the Read More button for the rest of the review. May NOT be spoiler-free.

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{ Book Review } Loveless. Childless. Clueless. | Miren B. Flores

cover-lovelessStanding amidst the wreckage of a fifteen-year relationship, Anna finds herself single, unmarried, childless and, at the rickety age of thirty-five, trying desperately to pick up the pieces.

There’s a lot of crying and punching, a trip or two, and a list of things to do and be to get her self back. There’s the heady scent of a (possible) spankin’ new man sparring with the memory of the boy who first captured her heart—and may have stomped all over it.

But what would she know? After all, here she is—loveless, childless, and totally, utterly clueless.

Buy it on Amazon.

What Drew Me In

Honestly, this book had been sitting in my Kindle app for far too long now and I found myself finally browsing it while on a work break. I’d initially been drawn by the word “thirty-five” on the synopsis because it’s kind of rare for me now to read romance stories with thirty-something year olds as MCs. I guess it intrigued me to read a romance in the perspective of an MC who’s not a teenager or in their early twenties, and well, here it was.

(Please do note that while I have been doing reviews on #romanceclass books lately, I am admittedly not very well read in this genre. I am, however, trying to change that though the chances of me reviewing romance books which aren’t written by Filipino authors are very slim at the moment.)

Click the Read More button for the rest of my review. As per usual, there may be spoilers.

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{ Book Review } Once Upon A Player | Agay Llanera

Once Upon a Player OFCGorgeous college senior Val Fabian is a player in every sense of the word. She’s the star spiker of her university’s volleyball team, and she never runs out of dates. But it seems that this year, she has finally been bitten by the commitment bug. She sets her sights on an unexpected target–the unassuming yet ultra-cute Jake Clementia. Val is used to getting what she wants, and is sure she’ll snag him before graduation. But in the process of winning his heart, she is sideswiped by a surprise move that sends her tumbling from her pedestal.

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Prints are available at all National Bookstore outlets
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What Drew Me In

Volleyball! The truth of the matter is, I am a frustrated athlete. (I am frustrated with many things, but that’s another story.) I wanted to be a varsity player in highschool, first for basketball, then volleyball, but my mom won’t let me go through the tryouts and trainings because I might hurt myself. So I guess 13-year old me perked up when I saw this book at the Manila International Book Fair last year, and I decided to pick it up! Not a bad decision, I must say. ^_^

Click on the Read More button for the rest of my review. Warning: There may be spoilers.

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{ Book Review } Majesty | Jay E. Tria

cover-majestyWhat would you do if the ghost of someone you love appeared in front of you?

Majesty is a beautiful ghost, with her hair of fire and eyes gray like smoke. That is Andy Fey’s first thought when the ghost of her best friend Majesty Hall appeared in her bedroom, only two months since her death. Majesty doesn’t know why she’s there, why only Andy can see her.

Andy isn’t sure if she should tell Gale, that boy who claims that he and Majesty were in love. Funny, sarcastic, and a self-proclaimed serial heartbreaker, Gale is proving to be a good friend in grief, though his trail of broken hearts could soon include hers.

As Andy and Gale wade through their sorrow, Andy wonders if Majesty is here to help ease her into this new, complicated friendship, or if she has a mission all her own.

Buy it on Buqo (part of the #DarkestDreams #StrangeLit bundle)
Prints may be ordered from the author
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What Drew Me In

A few months earlier, I was lucky enough to have been given an ARC copy of Jay E. Tria’s Songs of Our Breakup. I loved it, and I knew that from that moment on I would be on the lookout for her other works. When Majesty came around, I knew I HAD to have it. (I was one of the first few people who snatched the prints Tria brought to FilReaderCon last November, heh. Had to be quick!)

And yes, that cover’s glorious. Just like Majesty. (Design and watercolor art by Raine Sarmiento.)

Click on the Read More button for an attempt to place my ~*feels*~ about Majesty. This also serves as your spoiler warning.

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