Every month for the past year, like clockwork, Meile Simon has gotten orders at her shop for the same type of bouquet, from the same guy, delivered to twelve different girls. By the third month, she starts to take note.
Warren Leigh likes women. He does. He knows there are too many beautiful women out there just waiting to be plucked by the right guy. But he firmly believes that personal relationships with them must have an expiration date.
When the girl who likes to watch flowers bloom encounters the guy who’s only in it while the fragrance lasts, curiosity gets the best of both of them.
In the midst of intermittent weather, will their connection blossom or wilt?
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What Drew Me In
Two things:
First, Chi Yu Rodriguez has been my friend since IDK 2007 (?) and we’ve been kind of writing buddies for a bit before I dragged her into this beautiful mess (haha!) called #romanceclass. So of course I knew I was going to read this book, especially since she used my Broadway bias, Aaron Tveit, as a character peg!
Second, isn’t that cover just gorgeous? It’s so out of character for the author, though, but perfect for the story. (Don’t kill me!) Another equally beautiful version of the cover exists, by the way, lovingly created by Carla de Guzman.
Click on the Continue Reading button for the rest of the review. May include spoilers. You have been warned.