Yep, I did play it by ear this time.

So let me start this blog post with a tweet down memory lane:

You read that right, folks. It’s been (almost!!!) a year since I started writing the second book in the Backstage Pass series,Ā Play It By Ear, and I cannot be more relieved that I’m finally releasing the book soon. We’ve had a couple of false starts, starting with a very early cover reveal (haha, that was just me being a) impatient, and b) unable to keep Shai San Jose‘s awesome art to myself), but this is the real deal, my friends. I mean…there’s a release date and all, and I am prepping the final, final,Ā FINALĀ version of the manuscript as of this writing.


And yeah, in case you missed it, here’s the official announcement…plus a couple more things you need to know:

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ARC Tour | Like Nobody’s Watching

Cover reveal, check.

ARC kits, check.

Blog tour -- CHECK!

TheĀ Like Nobody's Watching Press Preview began last Wednesday, October 18, and people have been so generous with their stars! I am soĀ kilig! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much to those who signed up for the blog tour. You are all such a blessing to authors like me.

To those who are curious about this book, you may read about (and ONE-CLICK!) it here, or get a sneak peek at its first chapter here. If that's not enough to whet your appetite, scroll further to read another excerpt and listen in to my book playlist. And oh--if you reach the bottom of this post, you'll find a giveaway too!

Ready? Set. SCROLL!

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Once Upon a Project

When I releasedĀ Waiting in the Wings in February, I hadĀ no idea I would be writing a spin-off novel so soon. Honestly, I already had plans for a second book in the same universe, but it wasn’t top priority on my writing calendar. (Yes, I have one. :P)

And then, #AprilFeelsDay2017 and a certain theatre actor came along to shake things up.

Needless to say, I succumbed to theĀ kilig andĀ gigil and began outlining #ProjectPio in May–and if there was a phrase I’d use to describe everything about this writing process, it would beĀ whirlwind affair.

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