Love Songs: Waiting in the Wings

love songs: waiting in the wings

love love songs. I mean, I love songs in general, but I’m a sucker for passionate well-written love songs, and I believe we have plenty of that in OPM (Original Pilipino Music). Including some of my favorites in Waiting in the Wings was such a fun thing to do, but also a little daunting, only because I couldn’t really quote the lyrics in the book. Often, I wondered if describing the songs was enough to get their messages across, and when I felt that wasn’t enough, I put together a Waiting in the Wings Spotify playlist.

Today, I’m sharing the lyrics to the four OPM songs mentioned in the book, together with English translations so that international readers may also understand what they mean. Please bear in mind though that I’m not a translation expert, but I tried my best to capture the feeling of the songs. Take a look/listen:

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Gio & Gab For #SummerCrush!

Summer Crush Crew

And so, the final promotional ~thing for our summer music festival anthology, Summer Crush ended last Sunday! It came in the form of three video recordings, excerpts from each of the three short stories–Jay E. Tria’s You Only Need Reminding, Almost There by yours truly, and Six de los Reyes’ Ocean Eyes–read by two people we love, Gio Gahol and Gab Pangilinan.

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Drive By Kilig: #RamonXErin

I’d been thinking of a nice, silly label to call these short bursts of kilig I’ve been posting via Twitter these past several days, and I think I’ve got the perfect hashtag now: #DriveByKilig

Yes, thank you. Thank you. *waves* I’ll be here all week. >U<;;

And so, as promised here’s a dose of some Drive By Kilig courtesy of Waiting in the Wings‘ Ramon and Erin, with a side of Pio. <3 Enjoy!

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Character Chats: GabeXFi + EG Project Edition

Three days ago, I discovered Yazzy, a phone application that can generate different kinds of social media content from information you input. Using the app, you can easily create fake text or chat logs as well as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter posts–so naturally, I had to make some for my characters… and I had so much fun.

Here’s a collection of the first few chat logs I made, featuring characters from Scandalized.

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Summer Crush Shenanigans: A Reflection Paper

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First things first.

My first Six de los Reyes book was Just for the Record. My first Jay E. Tria book was Songs of Our Breakup. I still remember reading both books and thinking “Damn, I wish I wrote that.” And if you told me two years ago that I will help create a universe where Six and Jay’s characters existed and interacted with mine, I’d say “You’re crazy.”

But we are a crazy bunch, I found out.

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