#JustWritePH: What would you take #ForRedemption?


Redemption doesn’t come easy. It involves hardship, righting wrongs, and making tough choices. This four-story bundle showcases characters who made wrong turns in life, and want nothing more than to make things right. Features Era by Jesse David, Turning Points by Yeyet Soriano, A Fateful Encounter by Cali (Angie Sanchez), and Encyclopedia Mystique by Racquel Sarah A. Castro.


Win this bundle by joining this giveaway! Click HERE.

Click the Read More link for the excerpts. If you want to read my take on Turning Points by Yeyet Soriano and A Fateful Encounter by Cali, plus story blurbs and author links, click HERE.

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{ Book Review } The Year We Became Invincible | Mae Coyiuto

Dear Future Partner,
Where in the hell are you?

That up there is probably how I’d write the first few lines of this book, had this been my story to tell. Of course it will not be YA, and perhaps not as hopeful as Mae Coyiuto’s The Year We Became Invincible, but it’s a start. But I’m not writing this to lament a personal lack; I’m writing this entry to review Ms. Coyiuto’s latest novella . . . so I’d better get to that. And quick, before I start thinking of things to write to my future partner about.


The Year We Became Invincible
Mae Coyiuto

Dear Future Reader,

If you’re reading this book, it’s either:

1. You’re my future partner

2. I’m famous and my writings have been immortalized

3. You’ve violated my privacy and these are not meant for you

Let’s hope it’s not the last one. Before this year, I had my life all planned out. This book contains the story of the year that changed my life (well, my life so far). It’s the year I learned how to be invincible. That wasn’t really specific, but I guess you have to read on to see what I’m talking about.



The Year We Became Invincible is available at your nearest National Booktore outlets. Buy your copy today!

My review of The Year We Became Invincible follows after the jump. There are spoilers, so click the Read More button at your own risk! ^_^

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#JustWritePH: What stupid things would you do #ForLove?


Love is never easy, but the journey to that happily ever after is what makes it worth it. Witness the struggles of these characters as they work their way through both new romances and second chances at love in this four-story bundle. Features “I Still…” by Beth G., “Sigh No More” by Carla de Guzman, “Velvet Valentine” by Giselle Bacalla, and “One Sweet November Day” by Amae Dechavez.


Get a chance to win this bundle by joining THIS GIVEAWAY! It’s absolutely FREE!

Click the Read More link for the excerpts. My reviews for Sigh No More by Carla de Guzman and One Sweet November Day by Amae Dechavez, as well asstory blurbs and author follow links are found HERE.

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{ Bundle Review } #JustWritePH’s #ForLove

Love is never easy, but the journey to that happily ever after is what makes it worth it. Witness the struggles of these characters as they work their way through both new romances and second chances at love in this four-story bundle. Features I Still… by Beth G., Sigh No More by Carla de Guzman, Velvet Valentine by Giselle Bacalla, and One Sweet November Day by Amae Dechavez.

Did you know that the #ForLove bundle is available on Buqo for only P45/$0.99? CLICK HERE to buy the bundle.

Or, you know . . . you can also win this bundle by joining their ongoing giveaway! Click onTHIS LINK to enter.

Click the Read More link below for introductions to all four stories in the #ForLove bundle, followed by a quick review of Sigh No More and One Sweet November Day. Excerpts will be up in a separate post.

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