We have less than a week to go before #romanceclass’ event at the Ayala Museum, and this is me inviting you all again to come join the fun! Here’s a list of what to expect:
- BOOKS, BOOKS, and MORE BOOKS. Old and new #romanceclass titles will be sold at the venue. (See above banner for the books I will be bringing.) We’ll also be having a book blind date, where everyone gets a book to take home just by showing up!
- HOW TO WRITE A ROMANCE NOVEL LECTURE. Ever wanted to try writing a romance novel? Ms. Mina V. Esguerra will be holding a short lecture–a crash course, if you may–on romance writing, and you’d better be there for it. ^_^
- LIVE READINGS. For the first time since we’ve had live readings at our events, we will have SIX theatre actors reading for us on the 11th! Come experience the kilig with us as Gio Gahol, Rachel Coates, Migs Almendras, Gracielle So, Gab Pangilinan, and Jef Flores read various excerpts from #romanceclass books.
Is this your first time attending a #romanceclass event? Great! Here are some survival tips to help you get through the day. And the weeks that follow. ^_^
And just in case you’ll be missing the February 11 event, don’t worry because this month is JAMPACKED with events. I’m not even kidding. Take a look:
February 18: National Bookstore FEELS CAFE
(#SparkBooks new release launch + book signing)
If you’ve been following the #romanceclass hashtag on Twitter and Instagram, you’ve probably seen the new batch of Anvil #SparkBooks that came out last month. They’re officially launching the books on February 18 (Saturday) at the East Wing Atrium of Shangri-La Plaza, so it’s your chance to buy the books and have them signed right then and there! ^_^
Admission is FREE.
February 19: Philippine Romance Convention 2017
(hosted by Romance Writers of the Philippines)
The Romance Writers of the Philippines will be hosting PHRomCon2017 at the Alabang Town Center on February 19, from 10am to 7pm. Chat with Filipino romance authors, join the panel discussions, and win prizes!
CLICK HERE to check out their Facebook event page.
February 24: History Ever After with Jennifer Hallock
(Writing & story development workshop)
Real history writes the best fiction in any genre. The unusual, precocious, and even dangerous heroes and heroines of real life are the ones who inspire us to start typing. But how do you write happily ever after when your audience knows the next war is just around the corner? How do you walk the line between romancing history and romanticizing it?
Join author and teacher Jennifer Hallock as she discusses how to develop historical fiction with authentic characters and believable conflict. With the help of Mina V. Esguerra of #romanceclass, Jennifer will answer questions about how she balances courtship and calamity in her Sugar Sun romance series, set in the Philippine-American War.
Read more about this event HERE.
P 680 Regular
+5% Early Bird Discount* if you pay on or before February 15, 2017**
P 480 Discounted Rate** for Ayala Museum Members, AGC Employees, students, and Teachers
Hope to see you guys at any (or all!) of these events! Let’s make February a lovely month of love and feels~ <3