Hello and welcome to my tour stop for Jay E. Tria’s new release: Songs To Get Over You! This blog tour is organized by the Bookish Diaries Book Tours. You may click on the image below to visit their website.

Oh and YES! This blog tour comes with a nifty giveaway! Get a chance to win a print copy of Songs To Get Over You and a TRAINMAN shirt by joining HERE.
It’s harder to get over someone who was never really yours.
They say rock stars get all the girls. But Miki knows that’s not always true. He, for one, though the guitarist of popular indie band Trainman, just can’t seem to get the girl. It’s kind of his fault, really. No one told him to fall in love with Jill. No one told him to stand still and watch as she moved on from a terrible breakup into the arms of another guy—a Japanese celebrity with the face of an angel and the body of a god.
So when someone else comes along, someone who finds him cute, smart, and funny (sometimes in the haha sort of way), will Miki finally move on? Or will he continue to pine for Jill?
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What Drew Me In
Oh, this? This was an insta-buy for me. I have read the first book in this series–Songs Of Our Breakup–and loved it. It’s only natural that I one-click the shit out of this book, right?
Click on the Read More button for the rest of the review. May NOT be spoiler-free.