{ Book Review } The Boyfriend Backtrack | Dawn Lanuza

cover-boybackIf they say that life flashes right before your eyes when you die, do you also get a flashback of your exes when your perfect boyfriend is proposing to you? At least that’s the case for Regina Cortez.

There’s her dramatic high school boyfriend, her first college crush, the irresistible heart breaker, and the ever elusive one.

By backtracking to her past, will Regina make it to ‘I Do’? Or will she just keep running away?

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What Drew Me In

The synopsis. A flashback of your exes while your current flame is proposing to you? Well . . . something’s clearly wrong in that picture, and I wanted to know what it was!

(It’s also interesting to note that, as with All’s Fair in Blog & War, I also got attracted to The Boyfriend Backtrack‘s digital covers–check it out on Amazon. Beautiful, right?)

Click on the Read More button for the rest of my review. There may be spoilers, ye have been warned.

What Made Me Stay

The exes. No, seriously. Each ex represented a time in Regina’s life and allowed us access to the episodes she’d gone through from Dirk, to Josh, to Thomas. They all had their different charms, and I probably would’ve fallen for Josh (because Greek god looks + basketball), but the way Lanuza wrote Dirk’s scene made him my favorite. He’s probably an unhealthy choice for a boyfriend, true, but I loved what he stood for, and I must admit feeling teary eyed reading that scene. (Is that weird? Did anyone else feel emotional there? No? Ok.)

Bonus points for Jules and Leslie, for being #goodfriends.

Favorite Quotes


^ This is why Dirk is my favorite ex. (Aside from the fact that I was thinking of a young Mig Ayesa while reading his scene.)


OUCH. MAJOR OUCH. There’s another memorable line before this scene that pretty much sealed the deal for me–No Kevin. You’re not the one for Regina.


I don’t think I’ve ever had pain au chocolat, but I want it now thank you very much. (Yes, I’m hungry while writing this review. Sry.)



The Boyfriend Backtrack is the kind of fun read you would want to recommend to girlfriends who may (or may not) have a string of interesting exes to look back at over an afternoon cup of coffee. It reads like a lighthearted movie that has humor, a pretty soundtrack, and moments that’ll make you go “Oof, that kinda stings.”

This Book Made Me Wanna

  • Revisit my exes. HA.
  • Wish for more Chase scenes. I “saw” him a lot in retrospect, but not so much during the present time that I felt like another book should be written. EHEM.
  • Cast all of Regina’s exes in a movie in my head.
  • Watch/listen to the #romanceclass reading of this book. YES! Such wonderful thing exists!

Author Profile

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Dawn Lanuza started writing stories when she was just a kid (they weren’t good or even finished). She works for the music industry by day and writes meet cutes and snappy comebacks by night. ‘The Boyfriend Backtrack’ is her first book. She currently lives with her family and an adopted dog.

Also by Dawn Lanuza: What About Today (Order prints directly from author) | The Hometown Hazard (Upcoming–Sign up for the blog tour here!)

You may get in touch with Dawn Lanuza through her Facebook and Twitter.

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